USA, Burbank, CA – May 13, 2022 – Sperasoft, a Keywords Studio, as a Gold Sponsor will attend the Digital Dragons conference, which will take place on May 16th and 17th in Krakow, Poland. During the two-day event, Sperasoft will be open to conversation at our own brand...
USA, San Jose – February 19, 2020 – Sperasoft, a Keywords studio will attend Game Developers Conference together with Keywords Studios Group. The conference takes place on March 16-20 in San Francisco, California, USA GDS is an expected, widely known conference and...
USA, San Jose – January 3, 2020 – Sperasoft, a Keywords studio attends the conference Pocket Game Connects 2020, which will be held on January 20-21 in London, the United Kingdom. Pocket Gamer Connects 2020 is the leading mobile gaming industry conference; it gathers the...
SAN JOSE – November 14, 2019 – Sperasoft, a Keywords studio will present a Poland branch with the aim of recruiting at Game Gathering conference, which will take place December 7-8 in Kyiv, Ukraine. During the two-day event, Sperasoft will be located at the branded booth...
SAN JOSE – November 2, 2019 – Sperasoft, a Keywords studio, will participate in DevGamm conference, which will take place on November 21-22 in Minsk, Belarus. DevGAMM gives gaming experts a chance to keep up with the latest thinking and developments in making games, pass...
USA, San Jose – October 25, 2019 – Sperasoft, a Keywords studio will take part in EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference 2019, which will be held November 11-14 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Sperasoft team will highlight its Quality Engineering (QE) services for hi-load...